Whole Music Virtual Academy


Hello Whole Music Friends!

Someone recently said to me “Hey EJ, what a good idea...teaching music on the internet”. Truth is...it’s not just an idea. It’s my REALITY! I have been teaching, producing and consulting online since 2008. In fact most of my production clients and students have been virtual for 12 years. It started with me teaching guitar to soldiers deployed in Afghanistan outposts.

With the events of 2020, we have decided to bring all our training and lessons fully online. All students and clients have access to our video lesson library to assist with learning their favorite instruments.

We continue to expand our staff nationally and internationally with some of the best teachers and players in the industry.

Now the entire Whole Music staff is teaching virtually through Zoom, Skype, and Facetime….Welcome to Whole Music Virtual Academy!

We have something for everyone…for you, your children, teens, your grandchildren, your partner, your sister, your brother, your dad and mom, you name it! Visit our virtual lessons, virtual production, specialty classes, and professional consultation pages to learn more.

Email us at wholemusic@wholemusic.com to sign up to collaborate with the best music team anywhere.

– EJ Ouellette