Hey friends, family and Music Colleagues in and out of the hood,

While my friend and production client/artist Linda Chorney's song “Bored” got a Grammy Nomination there was a bit of drama surrounding the nomination. Read below for the published story.

We are grateful here at EJO Whole Music Studios for being the Mother Ship of a Grammy Nominated Song. It does takes a team.

I started working on the “Bored/Project” project on March 18, 2021 when Linda reached out to me. In turn, I reached out to my good friend Maestro Dave Mattacks to record drums. Dave agreed. If you don’t know who Dave is click here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Mattacks

This was the start of a wonderful song that would be built here at EJO Whole Music Studios. I will be publishing more exciting details about the tracking process in due time. Over 100 freakin’ tracks were involved with Bored…WOW!!!

But right now I would like to thank Whole Music Studios Team for their support and input.

As most of you know I have been in the music/production/recording business for over 40 years. I have produced over 1500 releases. No Grammy nods so this feels good. But this work takes a team effort and we do the whole professional thing from producing music to music biz consultation and coaching. Read here: https://www.wholemusic.com/professional-consultation

Many thanks to Dave Mattacks for your major investment into “Bored”. Alice Scheller Mainville in Whole Music Admin for tracking my hours on this project and keeping me organized. Many thanks to my partner Lisa O'Donnell for you keen observations and input with all that goes on here. Your input on the Grammy Drama strategy was priceless. We get more with honey than we do with salt:-)

My studio business attorney Aine Ni Fheargaill thank your professional insight and willingness to protect me. Aiden Blasi for your hours on drum and track editing, assistant engineering skills and your hours you put into the “ Bored” campaign.

Not mentioned in the Variety article, so I will mention them here are the players on “Bored”.

I will start with my co-producer and guitarist Trevor Sewell from the Uk. Amazing tracks Trev! Maestro Drummer Dave Mattacks. Without you Dave there would no magic in the groove. Grammy Nominated horn guy Jeff Oster. Sweet stuff! Awesome organ tracking and background vocals by Becca Byram, Shinya Hasegawa thank you for your BG vocals and Turtletone Mastering you made this track shine. Oh ya right I recorded bass guitar tracks:-) This makes us all Featured Artists.

To be clear producers and featured artists do not get a Grammy for Best American Roots Song we get a nod maybe. I find this disappointing because it takes a Team to get a song nominated. However, a Grammy Nominated Song was produced and EJO Whole Music Studios. There were certain valued Indie Artists who also helped Linda negotiate this Grammy reinstatement. So Team let’s celebrate and go get that Grammy for Best American Roots Song! Linda’s Grammy Story in Variety Here:https://variety.com/2021/music/news/linda-chorney-grammys-nomination-american-roots-song-1235124634/?fbclid=IwAR3vwBbOcSH5_9_dN6RHJPG1P6lMAsMU65M55y8n2eNhtEy2kwkZ3Ts-bko